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Boeing's latest study forecasts a need for 2.1 million aircrew and mechanics by 2041




Boeing's projections are always eagerly awaited. Its latest PTO (Pilot and Technician Outlook) 2022 study is causing a stir. It predicts a need to recruit 2.1 million new aviation personnel over the next two decades: technical and commercial aircrew, and mechanics. 

These forecasts are consistent with the recovery in air traffic and its strong growth. 

The news website analyses it in these terms: 

"Long-term forecasts show that 602,000 pilots, 610,000 maintenance technicians and 899,000 cabin crew will be needed to support the global commercial fleet over the next two decades. The global fleet is expected to nearly double to 47,080 aircraft by 2041, according to Boeing's recently released commercial market outlook. 

Boeing's scenario assumes a 3.4% increase over 2021 (excluding Russia). China, Europe and North America account for more than half of the total demand for new personnel. The fastest growing regions are Africa, South East Asia and South Asia, all three of which are expected to grow by over 4% over the forecast period. 

"As the commercial aviation industry recovers from the pandemic and plans for long-term growth, we anticipate a continued and increasing demand for aviation personnel and the ongoing need for highly effective training," said Chris Broom, vice president, commercial aviation, for the company. These theoretical forecasts confirm the indicators of a growing demand for aviation personnel," said Chris Broom, vice president, Commercial Training Solutions, Boeing Global Services. 

These theoretical forecasts confirm more concrete indicators such as the recent calls for pilot recruitment from many operators around the world - which have already been mentioned on this blog - but also the current shortage of mechanics in maintenance workshops and the general upturn in hiring in all aviation professions.


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